Learning Activity 1

Learning Activity 1

de Alen Humberto Perez Casas -
Número de respuestas: 0

What is your educational background, the current status of your studies and the previous experience you have about learning environments?

I am sociologist specialized in qualitative and quantitative scientific research methodology assisted by computer and data science. I investigate the social impact of information and communication technologies in socialization processes in general and learning in particular

I carry out research and development of digital educational technologies, virtual environments, videoconferences and multimedia educational resources open and accessible for higher education. in the Sectorial Commission of Education (CSE), of the Universidad de la República (UdelaR).

as a professor of Research Methodology and Statistics at the Faculty of Information and Communication (FIC) of the UdelaR, Im also a user, as a teacher, of Learning Environment Systems

Ten years ago I was the informatic and sociologic developer of the Virtual Environments System al Learning Virtual Environments Program (ProEVA) of UdelaR.

The computer system was based on Moodle. We built a  “software libre” ecosystem which integrates multimedia production systems, webconference, videoconference, lecture recording, virtual microscopy, interactive screen modules,  writing capture, writing collaborative online, etc.

However, the fundamental part of the development of the Virtual Environments (EVA) system was the construction of “Learning Communities”, informally called, “EVAngelist”.An  articulated network of enthusiastic innovators, build over voluntary and collaborative work and institucional support, with the aim of promoting the assimilation and integration of 

 informatics and didactics tools offered to the community without impositions, obligations or other commitments, more than the volunteers and practical ones, derived from the utility of the tools and the practices. 

What are your expectations towards the course and the motivation to complete this course?

This course offers me the possibility of advancing a great step in the process of developing the Virtual Learning Environments System through the knowledge and acquisition of skills for autonomous learning of emerging trends and resources in this field.

I am especially interested in incorporating machine learning tools in the process of recommending content and strategies to students and teachers 

The objective of my thesis is to develop a module that incorporates the results of the analytics of student learning in the strategies of didactic orientation and the design of educational content

In your own opinion, give at least 5 reasons why it is important to learn about smart learning environments?

  1. Because virtual environments mediated by artificial intelligence through screens seem to be the “natural” space for social interaction within the framework of the informational techno-economic paradigm.

  2. Because virtual learning environments are the highest level of the so-called “social networks”. Learning-oriented social interactions constitute the highest form of socialization. They have been, possibly, throughout the history of mankind, but this becomes especially important in the "knowledge society."

  3. Because it is an area in continuous and very rapid development that requires not only a continuous assimilation of innovations, assessment of trends, accommodation of pre-existing knowledge and 

  4. Because a critical and informed assessment of the alternatives is required, for the purpose of selecting the most appropriate options. A good part of the tasks of specialists in educational technologies in peripheral countries is the “technological tailoring” that consists in identifying, selecting and adapting the available technologies to the needs and possibilities of our institutions.

  5. Because I am interested as a teacher, as a researcher and as a technologist. That has been the object of my academic and professional training for almost 20 years! Fuzzily I remember my participation in the creation of the  international networks of researchers on Smart Cities,  who met for the first time in the GlobalComunitiyNetworks Meetings, in Barcelona in the middle of the year 2000.