Study modules

The course includes  four study modules ,

Module 1: Module 1: Smart learning, smart pedagogies, smart instructional design Time period: February 10- February 23 , with Kickoff session on  February 10, 2020 

Module 2:  Components and features of a smart learning environment. Time period: February 24 - March 1 

Module 3:  Technologies, AI and design of s mart learning environment Time period: March 2 - March 8

Module 4:  Contextual design of s mart learning environment  & reflection. Time period: March 8 - March 22

The study modules include links to various resources related to the theme of the module and learning activity descriptions. You are expected to independently progress with the course starting from the Study Module 1.

Learning activities

There are altogether  6  learning activities  in the course distributed among the study modules. The learning activities may be completed individually, in pairs or in small groups as indicated in the specific learning activity description. The students will collect course points from the learning activities by completing them. The course instructor will grade all the submitted learning activities, and all the graded learning activities will affect the course grade. See the  Assessment and course grade  - page for details about the learning activity points. The deadlines for submitting the learning activities can be found from the study modules.

Última modificación: sábado, 8 de febrero de 2020, 05:48