Pasantías en Evolution Robotics

Pasantías en Evolution Robotics

de Gonzalo Tejera -
Número de respuestas: 0
Interesados: contactarse con Pablo Monzón (, antes del 15 de junio.

                        Robotics and Vision Intership


 - *Name of Organization*: Evolution Robotics, Inc.
 - *Position Title*: Junior Robotics and Vision Engineer
 - *Location*: Los Angeles (Pasadena), California
 - *Majors*: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or related fields.
 - *Level(s)*: Intermediate, Advanced
 - *Students Required*: up to 3 (depending on on qualifications)

The Company

Evolution Robotics, Inc. is a robotics company that develops breakthrough technologies that revolutionize robotics for the mass market.  The recent convergence of low-cost mobile computing, wireless communication, and sensing technologies has not only made the development of mobile robotic products possible, but also economical for mainstream usage.  Evolution Robotics develops innovative solutions for making machines sense and act autonomously.  We partner with consumer electronics companies to augment the capabilities of their products, such as the Sony AIBO(r) entertainment robot or WowWee robotic toys, or create entire new robotic products such as the Mint robotic mop and duster ([]).

Evolution is a recognized leader in industrial and academic communities.  The company has assembled a world-class management team composed of leading robotics experts and consumer products business leaders to make the company's vision of providing useful robots at affordable prices a reality.  The Evolution Robotics team operates in a highly dynamic and very collaborative environment where the flow of ideas is encouraged from all parts of the team. The team of extremely talented engineers and scientists at Evolution has created a unique, highly stimulating, and fun work environment. This team challenges the status quo in technology and pushes the envelope on what may seem impossible.

Evolution Robotics is an operating company of Idealab!, a technology incubator known for having started many successful companies including Overture, CitySearch, and eSolar. We are located in beautiful and sunny Pasadena, in Southern California. Hosting scientific institutions like the California Institute of Technology and the Jet Propulsion Lab, and national events like the annual Tournament of Roses, the city is considered the main cultural center of the San Gabriel Valley.

Find more information about Evolution Robotics at our website [] and see our technologies in action on YouTube [].

Position Purpose

The candidate will perform duties in the R&D team of Evolution Robotics. The candidate will participate in the optimization, improvement, enhancement, and benchmarking of Evolution Robotics technologies. In particular, the focus will be on Evolution Robotics' ViPR (Visual Pattern Recognition) and vSLAM (visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) systems. Alternative activities will involve the development of novel navigation algorithms based on Evolution Robotics' NorthStar sensor. Additionally the candidate will participate in prototyping and evaluating novel sensors and robot assemblies.

The candidate's project would be selected according to skill level and interest of the applicant. The following list presents some of the current projects:

  - Comparison and benchmarking of the state-of-the-art feature detectors and descriptors for object recognition.
  - Enhancement of the current ViPR algorithm by the inclusion of alternative visual cues such as color or shape.
  - Development of clustering techniques for efficient storage and retrieval of feature points.
  - Evaluation and implementation of the state-of-the-art in object class recognition algorithms.
  - Development of fusion algorithms for a variety of sensors (cameras, IMU, odometry)
  - Development of efficient space-coverage approaches using the NorthStart sensor.
  - Development of robot navigation primitives for room-to-room navigation using the NorthStar sensor.
  - Development of robot navigation primitives for path planning, obstacle avoidance, and visual servoing.
  - Prototype, interface, and integrate alternative sensors (e.g., inertial motion sensors, dead-reckoning sensors) into novel robot assemblies.

The typical work cycle involves research and algorithm development (typically in Matlab), algorithm testing, refinement and benchmarking, followed by C/C++ code implementation and integration into the final application.
Alternatively, the development cycle entitles the assembly of an electro-mechanical system, implementation of SW for integration of different components, and evaluation of the desired application.

Internship Details

The details of the internship are the following:
  - The internship will be available throughout the year for periods of four months at a time (Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dic).
  - The candidates will be interviewed 2 months prior the start of the internship (the interview will be in English and over the phone).
  - The provided compensation will cover living expenses of the intern.
  - Evolution Robotics will handle the processing costs of the Visa.
  - Evolution Robotics will not cover the costs of the air trip.


  - Advanced BS student (80%+ of the classes approved) or graduate student.
  - Excellent mathematical background, with solid foundation in probability theory, systems theory, multivariate calculus, nonlinear optimization.
  - Excellent GPA.
  - Advanced level of spoken and written English (/sine qua non/ condition).
  - Proficient in Matlab and C/C++, with good documentation and code organization habits.
  - Valid Passport
  - Creative and independent thinker, willing to take on challenges and learn new fields.
  - Work well in a fast-paced, small team environment.
  - Experience with pattern recognition and computer vision a definite plus.
  - Experience with robotics and control systems a definite plus.
  - If you're looking for a job where you can exercise your mathematical and algorithmic skills, and are interested in doing work that can lead to graduate studies in computer vision and/or robotics, this is it!

Required Documentation (in pdf format)

 - Curriculum Vitae
 - Transcripts and GPAs (including failed classes)
 - Certification of English level (if English is not the native language of the candidate)


Mario E. Munich, PhD
VP of Research and Development
Evolution Robotics
Ph: (626) 993-3317
Fax: (626) 993-3301