Consultas para la tarea

Re: Consultas para la tarea

de Rafael Pasquini -
Número de respuestas: 0
Regarding the first question, Parte A, we have a X dataset (features from infrastructure) and a Y dataset (the Video Frames KPI). All exercises on this part of the tasks (regression and classification) consider a model M trained with the X data using Y as a target. In the regression tasks the Y dataset is ready to use (Frames per Second). In the classification tasks the student must adapt the Y dataset into two classes (Conformance when frames are higher than or equals to 18, Violation when the frames are lower than 18). Page 2 has a mentioning about it.

"For this project, we say that the VoD service conforms to the SLA at a particular time, if Y ≥
18f rames/second at that time; otherwise, we say that the VoD service violates the SLA at that time."

I sent the reminder of the message to Christian and I am waiting his answer to send to you.