Reenvíamos ya que puede ser de interés para docentes y estudiantes de la MCDAA:
Final weeks of the *Paper* and *Thesis* competition submissions for the IEEE Latin American
on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI). This 7th Edition (in Chile) will be on-line and is packed
with interesting stuff.
Consider this: Great speakers, reduced registration fees, all on-line, 6-page papers,
Interesting discussion (e.g. gender and indigenous peoples on CI),
Best papers will be invited for a special issue of 'Neural Computing &
Applications Journal' (Impact factor 4.77), all papers indexed by IEEE’s Xplore.
(Important: because COVID, there will be a small flexibility on the deadline)
Prof. Dr. Fernando Buarque, BSc
MSc DIC-PhD(Imperial College(UK) Hab(BR) SM IEEE(USA) Humboldt-Fellow(DE)
Fellow-Academy of Science (PE/BR)