Final evaluation

Final evaluation

de Mathias Bourel -
Número de respuestas: 3

Instructions for the document you have to compose after the course:
- a pdf file should be placed in the appropriate Moodle location 
no later than Monday March 19, 2018
- the document is individual and must be written in English and should 
contain between 10 to 20 pages typically
- it should contain questions, the R code and the associated 
plots and outputs as well as your comments (do not hesitate to include 
other remarks).

See you on Monday at the seminar room of IMERL.

En respuesta a Mathias Bourel

Re: Final evaluation

de Mathias Bourel -


Abrí una sección en el sitio web para que vayan subiendo las tareas. Les recuerdo más abajo el mensaje que les enviamos días atrás. Recuerden que el plazo es el lunes 19/03/18.

Saludos a todos


Instructions for the document you have to compose after the course:
- a pdf file should be placed in the appropriate Moodle location 
no later than Monday March 19, 2018
- the document is individual and must be written in English and should 
contain between 10 to 20 pages typically
- it should contain questions, the R code and the associated 
plots and outputs as well as your comments (do not hesitate to include 
other remarks).

En respuesta a Mathias Bourel

Re: Final evaluation

de Mathias Bourel -
Hola a todos, En la pregunta 6 de la parte 2 del práctico debe decir:

6. Draw the cross-validation errors of the Breiman’s sequence of the pruned subtrees of the maximal tree and interpret it.



En respuesta a Mathias Bourel

Re: Final evaluation

de Mathias Bourel -
Hola a todos, En la pregunta 6 de la parte 2 del práctico debe decir:

6. Draw the cross-validation errors of the Breiman’s sequence of the pruned subtrees of the maximal tree and interpret it.

