Recomendación: Charla del Prof.Jaime Carbonell, miércoles 16/11, 18 hs, Facultad de Ingeniería

Recomendación: Charla del Prof.Jaime Carbonell, miércoles 16/11, 18 hs, Facultad de Ingeniería

de Dina Wonsever -
Número de respuestas: 0

El Profesor Jaime Carbonell (, va a dar una charla el miércoles 16 de noviembre a las 18 hs en la sala 720.

El título es :  Proactive and Transfer Machine Learning with Applications to NLP and Proteomics.

Se transcribe a continuación un pequeño resumen. Si bien el resumen está en inglés, la presentación se hará en español.

Abstract:  We are witnessing unprecedented growth with new algorithms and applications in Machine Learning and AI, especially with the advent of deep learning and major applications to speech and NLP.  However, ML is limited by the quantity and quality of training data, including expert "labels" or "answers" to training problems.  Two general methods are presented for overcoming label sparsity, proactive learning and transfer/multitask learning, including their applications to inducing protein-interaction networks and especially to NLP tasks, such as intelligent chatbots and NLP for rare languages.