Reenvío este mensaje de Lara. Es hoy martes 10/12 a las 14h.
Estimadas y estimados,
Les recuerdo que esta tarde, de 14:00 a 15:00, tendrá lugar el seminario DPS en el salón 725-Beige (piso 7).
Quienes no puedan asistir en persona al seminario, pueden participar conectándose al siguiente enlace:
La información de la charla se encuentra al final de este correo.
Pablo Arias (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
Título: Self-supervised training approaches for some multi-frame restoration problems
Abstract: We will present a framework for self-supervised approaches for some multi-frame restoration problems, such as video denoising and burst super-resolution. These approaches allow to learn parameters of regression models -such as neural networks- directly on degraded data, without requiring access to the undegraded ground truth signal. We study the relation between these self-supervised approaches and supervised training for linear degradation operators, and discuss assumptions under which the self-supervised training is equivalent to the supervised one.