Exam topics and exemption

Exam topics and exemption

de Santiago Suarez Ortega -
Número de respuestas: 1

Dear Clara,

Could you please let me know the topics for the exam paper? I would like to take it as a "free" candidate due to being unable to attend the course.

Furthermore, it is possible to get an exemption with a Cambridge Certificate or equivalent? If so, what level is required?

I will be waiting your kindly response.

Best regards,


En respuesta a Santiago Suarez Ortega

Re: Exam topics and exemption

de Clara Cnudde -

Dear Santiago,

I hope this message finds you well. The thematic units for the exam are the same we have in the course. You can see them on the course platform, they are eight. As an open student the exam covers the same units at a level of between FCE and CAE. There is no other means to credit the subject but to take the exam in case you do not take the course.

