Prioridad en monitores

Prioridad en monitores

de Matteo Guerrieri Garcia -
Número de respuestas: 1
Hola, queria saber si en el curso se acepta pasarle un entero como parametro de un wait(). Citando el libro Operating System Concepts,

"...For this purpose, the conditional-wait construct can be used; it has the form X.wait(c) where c is an integer expression that is evaluated when the wait () operation is executed. The value of c, which is called a priority number, is then stored with the name of the process that is suspended. When X.signal () is executed, the process with the smallest associated priority number is resumed next. "

En respuesta a Matteo Guerrieri Garcia

Re: Prioridad en monitores

de Gustavo Brown -


  La implementación de monitores que vemos en el curso no permite indicar prioridades. Sobre una variable condition se va a formar una cola FIFO y los signal van a ir despertando en orden.
