function nyqlog(sys) % Nyqlog makes a polar plot of the open % loop transfer function h0(s) with % |h0(s)| on a dB scale. It supports % only continuous and monovariable systems. % Trondheim, June 2009 % Trond Andresen % Department of Engineering Cybernetics, % The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, % N-7034 Trondheim, NORWAY. % May be distributed freely for non-commercial use, % but please leave the above info unchanged, for % credit and feedback purposes. % % *********************************************** % System examples for copying and pasting on the % MATLAB command line: % ------------------- %sys=tf(1, conv([1 0 0], [1 1])); %sys=tf(conv([5 1],[1 1]), [1 0 0 0],'ioDelay',1); %sys=tf(1,conv([1 -0.01 0 1 3 -0.1 7],[1 -0.05 0.6])); %sys=tf(1,[1 0.00000001 1+0.00000001^2]); %sys=tf(1,[1 0]); %w0=10; zeta=0.1; sys=tf([1 1],[1/w0^2 2*zeta/w0 1]); %w0=5; zeta=0.1; sys=tf(1,[1/w0^2 2*zeta/w0 1]); %sys=0.1*tf([10 1], [5 6 1 0 0]); %sys=1*tf([1],conv([1 -0.1],[1 0])); %sys=tf([1 0 25],conv([1 0 1 0 0],[1 0 4])); %sys=tf([1 0 25],[1 0 1 ]); %sys=tf([1 0 1], [1 0 0 0]); %Table 9.6 - 3: %sys=10*tf(1,conv(conv([1000 1],[10 1]),[1 1])) %Table 9.6 - 9: %sys=tf(0.001,[50 1 0 0]) %Table 9.6 - 12: % sys=0.05*tf([5 1], [1 0 0 0]) %Table 9.6 - 13: % sys=tf(conv([5 1],[1 1]), [1 0 0 0]); %Table 9.6 - 14: %sys=200*tf(conv([3 1],[2 1]),conv(conv([50 1 0],[10 1]),conv([0.5 2],[0.1 1]))) %Table 9.6 - 15: %sys=10*tf([25 1],conv([1 2 0 0],[1 1])) % Ex. 8.15 in REGULERINGSTEKNIKK (in Norwegian) by Balchen, Andresen, Foss: % a=0.2; T =1; Kp= 1; sys=tf(Kp,conv([1 -a],[T 1])); % ************************************************* % Checking system order: [hlp,den]=tfdata(sys,'v'); k=1; while (hlp(k) == 0) k=k+1; end num=(hlp(k:end)); hlp=size(size(den)); if (hlp(2)> 2) error('Only monovariable systems allowed in Nyqlog'); end % Checking for delay: dly=get(sys,'ioDelay'); % Checking that the system is not discrete: sorz=get(sys,'variable'); if (sorz ~= 's') error('Only continuous systems allowed in Nyqlog'); end % Charting poles and zeroes, system dimension; % Sorting poles by Im-value in ascending order: sysdim=size(den); sysdim=sysdim(2)-1; if (sysdim == 0) error('Denominator order of zero not allowed in Nyqlog'); end% numdim=size(num); numdim = numdim(2)-1; if (numdim > sysdim) error('Denominator order must be >= nominator order'); end poles=roots(den); re_poles=real(poles); % This is used below to check stability of the closed-loop system: openloop_rhp_poles=sum(re_poles > 0); impoles=imag(poles); [vhlp,im_ndx]=sort(impoles); poles(:)=poles(im_ndx(:)); abpoles=abs(poles); repoles=real(poles); impoles=imag(poles); % No. of poles in the origin and on the imaginary axis, if any; Np_origin=0; Np_imag=0; for k=1:sysdim if (repoles(k) == 0) if (impoles(k) > 0) Np_imag = Np_imag+1; elseif (impoles(k) == 0) Np_origin = Np_origin+1; else end end end if Np_imag impoles=impoles(end+1-Np_imag:end); end % Sorting zeroes by Im-value in ascending order: abzeroes=0; if (numdim) zeroes=roots(num); imzeroes=imag(zeroes); [vhlp,im_ndx]=sort(imzeroes); zeroes(:)=zeroes(im_ndx(:)); abzeroes=abs(zeroes); rezeroes=real(zeroes); imzeroes=imag(zeroes); end % Finding smallest distance > 0 to pole or zero % to decide % radius for half circles around imaginary poles; eps=1e-3; R=eps; if Np_origin R = eps^(1/Np_origin); end R0=inf; if (Np_origin && Np_imag) R=mindist(0,poles,R0); if (numdim) R = mindist(0,zeroes,R0); end end R0=R; if Np_imag for k=1:length(impoles) R=mindist(impoles(k),poles,R0); end end R0=R; if (numdim) for k=1:length(impoles) R=mindist(impoles(k),zeroes,R0); end end frac=0.01; if Np_origin frac = (0.01)^(1/Np_origin); end R=frac*R; % Calculating a tentative vector s to be used in h0(s): % Ns = number of points on s. Special measures are % taken if there is a time delay in sys. Ns=1000+150*(dly > 0); wmin= R; wmax= 1e6*max(cat(1,abpoles,abzeroes)); if (wmax == 0) wmax= R*1e11; end if (dly) wmax = min(wmax,4*pi/dly); end w=log(wmin):(log(wmax)-log(wmin))/Ns:log(wmax); w=exp(w'); s=j.*w; % Splicing in possible imaginary zeroes > 0 in s: n=0; for k=1:numdim if (abs(rezeroes(k)) < 1e-12 && imzeroes(k) > R) n=n+1; imonlyzeroes(n) = imzeroes(k); end end if (exist('imonlyzeroes')) w1=cat(1,w,imonlyzeroes'); [w1,im_ndx]=sort(w1,1); s=j.*w1; end % Plotting main graph and its mirror image: s1=s; spiralfactor=1.5; spiralfactor=1/spiralfactor; set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]); s = scurve(s1,R,spiralfactor, Np_origin, Np_imag,impoles); %plot(s); hold on; %break; %plot([0 1],[R 1]); s=conj(s); [zmirr,ncount] = nygraph(sys,s,0); hold on; spiralfactor=1/spiralfactor; s = scurve(s1,R,spiralfactor, Np_origin, Np_imag,impoles); [zmain,ncount] = nygraph(sys,s,1); fprintf(1,'Number of poles in RHP of open-loop system: %i\n',openloop_rhp_poles); % Count net encirclements around the point -1. % An encirclement is counted as positive if the direction % is clockwise. [ncirc,npoles_on_im_axis] = countencirc(zmirr,zmain); if npoles_on_im_axis > 0 fprintf(1,'%d closed-loop pole(s) on the im-axis.\n',npoles_on_im_axis); fprintf(1,'Graph goes through the -1 point, so\n'); fprintf(1,'encirclement counting cannot be done.\n'); else fprintf(1,'Number of net encirclements around the -1 point: %i\n',ncirc); closedloop_rhp_poles=ncirc+openloop_rhp_poles; fprintf(1,'=> Number of poles in RHP of closed-loop system: %i\n',... closedloop_rhp_poles); if closedloop_rhp_poles > 0 fprintf(1,'=> Closed-loop-system is unstable\n'); else fprintf(1,'and no closed-loop poles on Im-axis\n=> Closed-loop-system is asymptotically stable\n'); end end % Plotting background diagram; circle(0,0.5,'r-'); circle(0,0.6666666667,'r-.'); circle(0,0.833333333,'r-.'); circle(0,1,'r-'); circle(0,1.16666667,'r-.'); circle(0,1.33333333,'r-.'); circle(0,1.5,'r-'); phase_lines(24,0.5,1.5,'r-.'); phase_lines(8,0.5,1.5,'r-'); plot(-1,0,'ko','LineWidth',2.5); plot([-1.5 1.5],[0 0]); plot([0 0],[-1.5 1.5]); text(0.03,-0.05,'-120','FontSize',7); text(0.4141, -0.3331,'-60','FontSize',9); text(0.8, -0.64,'0 dB','FontSize',8); text(1.1924, -0.9575,'+60','FontSize',9); % Plotting directional arrows: % for xh = [0.8 0.65 0.45 0.25] for xh = [0.8 0.15] nmid=round(xh*ncount); arrow(zmain(nmid+1),zmain(nmid),'b-'); end % for xh = [0.75 0.6 0.4 0.2] for xh = [0.7 0.1] nmid=round(xh*ncount); arrow(zmirr(nmid),zmirr(nmid+1),'k-'); end % % Contours for |N|= const. may be plotted: % % for instance [6 3 1 0.5 0.25 0 -0.5 -1 -3 -6] % nlgrid([6 3]); scalexy=axis; scalexy(3:4)= 1.01*scalexy(3:4); axis(scalexy); axis equal; axis off; axis tight; hold off; %****************************************** %****** SUB-FUNCTIONS: ******************** function arrow(z2,z1,col) % dz=0.12*exp(j*angle(z2-z1)); dz=0.11*exp(j*angle(z2-z1)); z_arrow_end1=z2-dz*exp(j*pi/4); z_arrow_end2=z2-dz*exp(-j*pi/4); plot([real(z2) real(z_arrow_end1)],... [imag(z2) imag(z_arrow_end1)],col,'LineWidth',1.5); plot([real(z2) real(z_arrow_end2)],... [imag(z2) imag(z_arrow_end2)],col,'LineWidth',1.5); %*********************************************** function circle(zcentre,radius,plotdata) angles=0:pi/72:2*pi; circ=zcentre+radius.*(cos(angles)+j.*sin(angles)); plot(circ,plotdata); %*********************************************** function phase_lines(n,rstart,rend,plotdata) hold on; angles=0:2*pi/n:2*pi; lines=ones(n,2); for k=1:n zh = cos(angles(k))+j*sin(angles(k)); lines(k,1)= rstart*zh; lines(k,2)= rend*zh; plot(real(lines(k,:)),imag(lines(k,:)),plotdata); end %*********************************************** function [s]= scurve(s1,R,spiralfactor, Np_origin, Np_imag,impoles) a=log(spiralfactor)*2/pi; %R=R/spiralfactor; % Calculating first arc if pole(s) in the origin: % If there are one or more pure integrators s is % made to do a small arc of a log spiral % into the upper right quadrant from 0 to pi/2. s=s1; if Np_origin fi=0:0.02/Np_origin:1; fi=0.5*pi*fi; sarc=R*exp((a+j)*fi); % merging sarc with s: x1=imag(sarc(end)); k=1; while (imag(s1(k)) < x1) k=k+1; end s1=cat(1,sarc.',s(k:end)); s=s1; end % Calculating arcs for possible pole(s) on the im-axis: % For each such possible pole we generate a vector % sarc describing a log spiral around the pole % from -pi/2 to pi/2 into the right half plane. fi=-1:0.02:1; fi=0.5*pi*fi; s1=s; for m = 1:Np_imag R=R/spiralfactor; sarc=R*exp((a+j)*fi); x1=impoles(m)+imag(sarc(1)); k=1; while (imag(s1(k)) < x1) k=k+1; end sarc(:)=sarc(:)+ j*impoles(m); s1=cat(1,s1(1:k-1),sarc.'); x1=impoles(m)+imag(sarc(end)); k=1; while (imag(s(k)) < x1) k=k+1; end s1=cat(1,s1,s(k:end)); end s=s1; %*********************************************** function [zplot,ncount] = nygraph(sys,s,plotdata) % Preparing logarithmic polar plot data: kmax=size(s); kmax=kmax(1); for k=1:kmax zh(k)=evalfr(sys,s(k)); end z=zh.'; absz = abs(z)+1e-14; logabs = 20.*log10(absz); %Avoiding plot continuing for |h0| < -120dB: % the vector s is then truncated. for k=1:kmax if (logabs(k) <= -120) logabs(k) = -120; end end ncount=length(logabs); while (logabs(ncount) <= -120) ncount=ncount-1; end %From now on all vectors are ncount long; ncount <= size(s). %Plotting the two conjugate halves of the polar curve; logabsplot=logabs(1:ncount)./120.+1; zplot=z(1:ncount).*logabsplot./absz(1:ncount); if (plotdata) plot(zplot,'LineWidth',2.2); else plot(zplot,'k--','LineWidth',1.7); end % ************************ function [ncirc,npoles_on_im_axis] = countencirc(zmirr,zmain) % Counts net encirclements around the point -1. % An encirclement is counted as positive if the direction % is clockwise. This follows Belanger (1995): % "Control Engeering", Saunders College Publishing, % pp 206 - 208. % % Bugs fixed and improvements made in Feb. 09: % The function now also counts poles on the im-axis for the % closed-loop system, if any. If such poles exist, this % corresponds to the graph going through -1. % Encirclement counting is then impossible and is % disabled. % Another (small) bug fixed and improvements made in June 09 eps=1e-6; zmirr(1:end)=zmirr(end:-1:1); zmirr=zmirr(2:end-1); zall=[zmirr;zmain;zmirr(1)]; if abs(imag(zall(1))) < eps zall=[zall;zall(2)]; end ncirc=0; npoles_on_im_axis=0; z3=zall(end); for k=3:length(zall) z4=z3; z1=zall(k);z2=zall(k-1); z3=zall(k-2); abz1=abs(z1+1);abz2=abs(z2+1); abz3=abs(z3+1); zre1=real(z1); zre2=real(z2); % Checking if graph is too close to -1: dl1= fromline2minusone(z1,z2); dl2= fromline2minusone(z2,z3); dl3= fromline2minusone(z3,z4); closest_now = abz1 > abz2 && abz3 > abz2; if closest_now && min([dl1 dl2 dl3]) < 1e-5 ... && min([abz1 abz2 abz3])< 0.001 npoles_on_im_axis=npoles_on_im_axis+1; end % end checking if graph is too close to -1. % Only checking for Re axis crossings to the left % of minus 0.9 to avoid unnecessary work: if zre1 < -0.9 zim1=imag(z1); zim2=imag(z2); zim3=imag(z3); if zim1*zim2 < 0 % Interpolation to find real z value at crossing: delta12=(real(z1)-real(z2))*abs(imag(z2))/(abs(imag(z1))+abs(imag(z2))); realcross=real(z2)+delta12; end if zim1 > eps && zim2 < -eps if realcross < -1 ncirc=ncirc+1;% ncirc,z1, z2, z3 end elseif zim1 < -eps && zim2 > eps if realcross < -1 ncirc=ncirc-1;% ncirc,z1, z2, z3 end elseif abs(zim2) < eps && zim1 > 0 && zim3 < 0 if real(z2) < -1 ncirc=ncirc+1;% ncirc,z1, z2, z3 end elseif abs(zim2) < eps && zim3 > 0 && zim1 < 0 if real(z2) < -1 ncirc=ncirc-1;% % ncirc,z1, z2, z3 end else end end % real(z1) < -0.99 end % ************************ function [dist] = mindist(point,vector,initdist) % Calculates the minimum distance from a given complex number % to a set of other complex numbers: mdist = initdist; kmax=length(vector); for k=1:kmax d0=abs(vector(k)-point); if (d0 ~= 0) mdist = min(d0, mdist); end end dist=mdist; % ************************ function nlgrid(absNdB) % absNdB = [6 3 1 0.5 0.25 0 -0.5 -1 -3 -6] absNdB = absNdB'; n=length(absNdB); absN=10.^(absNdB/20); radii=1./absN; nangles=200; angles=0:pi/nangles:2*pi; angles=angles'; for k=1:n circ=-1.+radii(k).*(cos(angles)+j.*sin(angles)); absc = abs(circ)+1e-14; logabs = 20.*log10(absc); for p=1:nangles if (logabs(p) <= -120) logabs(p) = -120; end end logabsplot=logabs./120.+1; cplot=circ.*logabsplot./absc; plot(cplot,'k-','LineWidth',0.5); end % ******************************** function [distline_to_minus1] = fromline2minusone(z1,z2) % Calcucates the min. distance from the point -1 to the line z1,z2 v=z2-z1; v=imag(v)-i*real(v); v=v/abs(z2-z1); r=z1+1; d=dot([real(v) imag(v)],[real(r) imag(r)]'); distline_to_minus1=abs(d); % pointonline=-1-distline_to_minus1*v; % ********************************