*Limits the number of barrier iterations performed infinity bariterlimit *Sets a target objective value 0 cutoff *Limits the number of simplex iterations performed infinity iterationlimit *Limits the number of MIP nodes explored maxdouble nodelimit *Limits the number of feasible solutions found maxint solutionlimit *Limits the total time expended in seconds GAMS reslim timelimit **Tolerance options *Controls barrier termination 1e-8 barconvtol *Convergence tolerance for the barrier algorithm when solving a QCP 1e-6 barqcpconvtol *Primal feasibility tolerance 1e-6 feasibilitytol *Integer feasibility tolerance 1e-5 intfeastol *Threshold pivoting tolerance 0.0078125 markowitztol *Relative MIP optimality gap GAMS optcr mipgap *Absolute MIP optimality gap GAMS optca mipgapabs *Dual feasibility tolerance 1e-6 optimalitytol *limit on the amount of diagonal perturbation 1e-6 psdtol **Simplex options *Pricing norm variants -1 normadjust *Objective coefficients scaling 0 objscale *Magnitude of simplex perturbation when required 0.0002 perturbvalue *Quad precision computation in simplex -1 quad *Enables or disables model scaling 1 scaleflag *Sifting within dual simplex -1 sifting *LP method used to solve sifting sub-problems -1 siftmethod *Determines variable pricing strategy -1 simplexpricing **Barrier options *Limits the number of central corrections performed in each barrier iteration -1 barcorrectors *Homogeneous barrier algorithm selection -1 barhomogeneous *Chooses the barrier sparse matrix fill-reducing algorithm -1 barorder *Determines the crossover strategy used to transform the barrier solution into a basic solution -1 crossover *Determines the initial basis construction strategy for crossover 0 crossoverbasis *Determines whether dual variable values are computed for QCP models 1 qcpdual