*All **Generates all supported file formats -- *AlphaECP **Generates AlphaECP input file -- alpha.ecp *Ampl **Generates Ampl input file -- ampl.mod *AmplNLC **Generate Ampl NLC compatible file -- amplnlc.c *Analyze **Generates three text files for rows columns and matrix -- analyze.txt *AnalyzeS **Generates short form of Analyze -- analyzes.txt *Baron **Generates Baron input file -- gams.bar *CplexLP **Generate CPLEX LP format input file -- cplex.lp *CplexMPS **Generate CPLEX MPS format input file -- cplex.mps *Dict **Generate Convert to GAMS Dictionary -- dict.txt *DictMap **Generate Convert to GAMS Dictionary Map -- dictmap.gdx *FileList **Generate file list of file formats generated -- files.txt *FixedMPS **Generate fixed format MPS file -- fixed.mps *Gams **Generate GAMS scalar model. This is the default conversion format used. -- gams.gms *Lgo **Generate an LGO Fortran file -- lgomain.for *LindoMPI **Generate Lindo MPI file -- lindo.mpi *Lingo **Generate Lingo input file -- lingo.lng *LocalSolver **Generate LocalSolver input file (only with ConvertD) -- localsolver.lsp *LSPSol **Generate Output function in LocalSolver input file (only with ConvertD) -- lspsol.gms *Memo **Generate a memo file containing model statistics and files created. -- memo.txt *Minopt **Generate Minopt input file -- minopt.dat *NLP2dual **Generate the Wolfe dual of a smooth optimization model -- gamsdual.gms *NLP2MCP **Generates GAMS scalar MCP model -- gamsmcp.gms *OSiL **Generates Optimization Services instance Language (OSil) file -- osil.xml *Pyomo **Generates Pyomo Concrete scalar model -- gams.py *SFS **Generates Solver Foundation Services OML file -- sfs.oml *ViennaDag **Generate Vienna Dag input file -- vienna.dag jacobian