*Whether to scale objective, rhs and bounds of problem if they look odd (experimental) 0 autoScale 0 *Whether factorization biased towards U LX biasLU LX *Whether to scale in barrier (and ordering speed) off bscale on *Whether to create basis for problem off crash off *Whether to get a basic solution with the simplex algorithm after the barrier algorithm finished on crossover on *Threshold for using dense factorization -1 denseThreshold -1 *Dual pivot choice algorithm automatic dualPivot automatic *Which factorization to use normal factorization normal *Whether to regularize barrier off gamma on *Whether to try idiot crash -1 idiotCrash 1 *Maximum number of iterations before stopping GAMS iterlim **iterlim *Whether to use KKT factorization in barrier 0 KKT 1 *Maximum number of iterations between refactorizations 200 maxFactor *How many passes in presolve 5 passPresolve 5 *Whether to perturb the problem 1 perturbation 1 *Whether to presolve problem on presolve on *Primal pivot choice algorithm automatic primalPivot *Initially algorithm acts as if it costs this much to be infeasible 1e+10 primalWeight *Two-dimension pricing factor for Positive Edge criterion -0.5 psi *Random seed for Clp 1234567 randomSeedClp Whether to scale problem automatic scaling *Threshold for using small factorization -1 smallFactorization *Whether factorization treated as sparse 1 sparseFactor *Whether to try sprint crash -1 sprintCrash *LP solver for root node dual startalg barrier *How long a column to substitute for in presolve 3 substitution *For an optimal solution no dual infeasibility may exceed this value 1e-07 tol_dual *Tolerance to use in presolve 1e-08 tol_presolve *For a feasible solution no primal infeasibility, i.e., constraint violation, may exceed this value 1e-07 tol_primal