function OPTIONS=foptions(parain) %FOPTIONS Default parameters used by the optimization routines. % In MATLAB itself: % FMIN, FMINS and NNLS. % In the Optimization Toolbox: % FMINU, CONSTR, ATTGOAL, MINIMAX, LEASTSQ. % % FOPTIONS has been replaced with OPTIMSET and OPTIMGET. FOPTIONS % currently works when used with FMIN, FMINS, NNLS, FMINU, CONSTR % ATTGOAL, MINIMAX, LEASTSQ. FOPTIONS will be removed in the future % when these optimization routines are removed. See the individual % optimization functions for pointers to their replacement functions. % % OPTIONS = FOPTIONS returns the default options. % % OPTIONS = FOPTIONS(SOME_OPTIONS) takes the non-empty vector % SOME_OPTIONS and replaces the zero or missing values of % SOME_OPTIONS with the default options. % % The parameters are: % OPTIONS(1)-Display parameter (Default:0). 1 displays some results. % OPTIONS(2)-Termination tolerance for X.(Default: 1e-4). % OPTIONS(3)-Termination tolerance on F.(Default: 1e-4). % OPTIONS(4)-Termination criterion on constraint violation.(Default: 1e-6) % OPTIONS(5)-Algorithm: Strategy: Not always used. % OPTIONS(6)-Algorithm: Optimizer: Not always used. % OPTIONS(7)-Algorithm: Line Search Algorithm. (Default 0) % OPTIONS(8)-Function value. (Lambda in goal attainment. ) % OPTIONS(9)-Set to 1 if you want to check user-supplied gradients % OPTIONS(10)-Number of Function and Constraint Evaluations. % OPTIONS(11)-Number of Function Gradient Evaluations. % OPTIONS(12)-Number of Constraint Evaluations. % OPTIONS(13)-Number of equality constraints. % OPTIONS(14)-Maximum number of function evaluations. % (Default is 100*number of variables) % OPTIONS(15)-Used in goal attainment for special objectives. % OPTIONS(16)-Minimum change in variables for finite difference gradients. % OPTIONS(17)-Maximum change in variables for finite difference gradients. % OPTIONS(18)-Step length. (Default 1 or less). % Andy Grace 7-9-90. % Copyright 1984-2002 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 5.14 $ $Date: 2002/04/08 20:26:45 $ if nargin<1; parain = []; end sizep=length(parain); OPTIONS=zeros(1,18); OPTIONS(1:sizep)=parain(1:sizep); default_options=[0,1e-4,1e-4,1e-6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1e-8,0.1,0]; OPTIONS=OPTIONS+(OPTIONS==0).*default_options;