module lb { namespace "http://pound/lb"; prefix lb; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } description "This YANG model mimics the configuration of the pound loadbalancer, See " ; revision 2006-11-05 { description "Initial revision"; } container lbConfig { leaf alive { type int32; description "backend healthcheck interval (seconds)"; } leaf client { type int32; description "client timeout value"; } leaf counter { config false; type int32; } container system { description "Setting for some simple system properties"; leaf ntp-server { type inet:ipv4-address; } container resolver { leaf search { type string; } leaf nameserver { type inet:ipv4-address; } } } list listener { key "ip port"; leaf ip { type inet:ipv4-address; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; description "Port number to bind to"; } leaf-list xHTTP { type enumeration { enum default; enum extended; enum webdav; enum msrpc; } } leaf client { type int32; description "Override the global Client time-out value."; } leaf checkURL { type string; description "Define a pattern that must be matched by each request sent to this listener"; } leaf err414 { type string; description "text to be displayed if an Error 414 occurs."; default "Request URI is too long."; } leaf err500 { type string; description "text to be displayed if an Error 500 occurs."; default "An internal server error occurred. Please try again later."; } leaf err501 { type string; description "text to be displayed if an Error 501 occurs."; default "This method may not be used."; } leaf err503 { type string; description "text to be displayed if an Error 503 occurs."; default "The service is not available. Please try again later."; } leaf maxrequest { type int32; description "Request maximal size"; } leaf headremove { type string; description "Remove incoming headers that match pattern"; } leaf addheader { type string; description "add header to request for backend"; } container https { presence "HTTPS is enabled for this listener"; leaf certfile { type string; description "File containing the certificate"; mandatory true; } leaf clientcert { type enumeration { enum dont-ask; enum ask; enum ask-and-fail; enum ask-no-verify; } description "Ask for client cert"; default dont-ask; } leaf ciphers { type string; description "SSL cipher list that are accepted by SSL conn"; default "DEFAULT"; } } list service { key "name"; //unique "number"; leaf name { type string; description "The name of the service"; } leaf number { type int32; description "The number of the service - services are tried in order "; mandatory true; } leaf URL-pattern { type string; description "Match the incoming request - if fail - try next service "; } leaf-list head-require-pattern { type string; description "At least one header must match for this service to be chosen"; } leaf-list head-deny { type string; description "If at least one header matches this pattern - this service is not choosen"; } list backend { key "ip port"; leaf ip { type inet:ipv4-address; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; } leaf priority { type int32 { range "1..9"; } default 5; } } container session { leaf type { type enumeration { enum IP; enum BASIC; enum URL; enum PARM; enum COOKIE; enum HEADER; } description "What kind of sessions are we looking for IP (the client address), BASIC (basic authentication), URL (a request parameter), PARM (a URI parameter), COOKIE (a certain cookie), or HEADER (a certain request header). "; mandatory true; } leaf ttl { type uint32; description "ttl in seconds"; } leaf ID { type string; description "The session identifier. This directive is permitted only for sessions of type URL (the name of the request parameter we need to track), COOKIE (the name of the cookie) and HEADER (the header name)."; } } } } } }