options: parameters: author: '' catch_exceptions: 'True' category: Custom cmake_opt: '' comment: '' copyright: '' description: '' gen_cmake: 'On' gen_linking: dynamic generate_options: qt_gui hier_block_src_path: '.:' id: qpsk_transceiver_isdbt max_nouts: '0' output_language: python placement: (0,0) qt_qss_theme: '' realtime_scheduling: '' run: 'True' run_command: '{python} -u {filename}' run_options: prompt sizing_mode: fixed thread_safe_setters: '' title: '' window_size: 2000,2000 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [10, 10] rotation: 0 state: enabled blocks: - name: active_carriers id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: 13*108*2**(mode-1)+1 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [184, 11] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: alfa id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '0.25' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [320, 180] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: const_size id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '64' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [544, 12] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: d id: variable_qtgui_range parameters: comment: '' gui_hint: 0,0,1,1 label: Muestra min_len: '200' orient: QtCore.Qt.Horizontal rangeType: int start: '0' step: '1' stop: samp_per_sym-1 value: '0' widget: counter_slider states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1096, 12] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: data_carriers id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: 13*96*2**(mode-1) states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [304, 11] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: epsilon id: variable_qtgui_range parameters: comment: '' gui_hint: 3,0,1,1 label: Error de muestreo (% samp_rate) min_len: '200' orient: QtCore.Qt.Horizontal rangeType: float start: 1-1e-4 step: 1e-6 stop: 1+1e-4 value: '1' widget: counter_slider states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [560, 140] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: freq_error id: variable_qtgui_range parameters: comment: '' gui_hint: 2,0,1,1 label: Error en frecuencia (% samp_rate) min_len: '200' orient: QtCore.Qt.Horizontal rangeType: float start: '-1' step: 1e-5 stop: '1' value: '0' widget: counter_slider states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [720, 140] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: guard id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: 1.0/16 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [16, 91] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: iip3 id: variable_qtgui_range parameters: comment: '' gui_hint: 4,0,1,1 label: Distorsion de orden tres (IIP3, dB) min_len: '200' orient: QtCore.Qt.Horizontal rangeType: float start: '-20' step: '1' stop: '50' value: '50' widget: counter_slider states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1096, 156] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: len_sym_srrc id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '15' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [408, 180] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: length_a id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '4' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1000, 12] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: length_b id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '2' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1000, 76] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: length_c id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1000, 140] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: mode id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '3' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [112, 91] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: noise id: variable_qtgui_range parameters: comment: '' gui_hint: '[1,0,1,1]' label: Ruido en el canal min_len: '200' orient: QtCore.Qt.Horizontal rangeType: float start: 1e-9 step: 1e-6 stop: '0.5' value: 1e-9 widget: counter_slider states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [704, 4] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: phase_noise id: variable_qtgui_range parameters: comment: '' gui_hint: 5,0,1,1 label: Ruido de fase min_len: '200' orient: QtCore.Qt.Horizontal rangeType: float start: '0' step: 1e-6 stop: '5' value: '0' widget: counter_slider states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1352, 28] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: pulso_srrc id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: firdes.root_raised_cosine(np.sqrt(samp_per_sym),samp_rate,samp_rate/samp_per_sym,alfa,len_sym_srrc*samp_per_sym) states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [8, 156] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: samp_per_sym id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '5' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [408, 20] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: samp_rate id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: sym_rate*samp_per_sym states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [176, 180] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: samp_rate_estandar id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: 8e6*64/63 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [184, 83] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: segments_a id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '13' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [888, 12] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: segments_b id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [888, 76] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: segments_c id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [888, 140] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: sym_rate id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: samp_rate_estandar*data_carriers/((1+guard)*total_carriers) states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [448, 84] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: throttle_rate id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: samp_rate/1.0 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [24, 220] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: total_carriers id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: 2**(10+mode) states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [336, 84] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_add_xx_0_0_0 id: blocks_add_xx parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_inputs: '2' type: complex vlen: data_carriers states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [168, 848] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_delay_0_0_0 id: blocks_delay parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' delay: d maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_ports: '1' type: complex vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1168, 844] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_delay_0_0_0_0 id: blocks_delay parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' delay: '3' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_ports: '1' type: complex vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1088, 612] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_file_sink_0_0 id: blocks_file_sink parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' append: 'False' comment: '' file: result_layer_b.ts type: byte unbuffered: 'False' vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [352, 1212] rotation: 180 state: disabled - name: blocks_file_source_0 id: blocks_file_source parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' begin_tag: pmt.PMT_NIL comment: '' file: layer_a.ts length: '0' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' offset: '0' repeat: 'True' type: byte vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [24, 292] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_keep_one_in_n_0 id: blocks_keep_one_in_n parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' n: samp_per_sym type: complex vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [992, 844] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_nlog10_ff_0 id: blocks_nlog10_ff parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' k: '0' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' n: '1' vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [864, 1324] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_nlog10_ff_0_0 id: blocks_nlog10_ff parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' k: '0' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' n: '1' vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1400, 1092] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_null_sink_0_0_0 id: blocks_null_sink parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' bus_structure_sink: '[[0,],]' comment: '' num_inputs: '1' type: byte vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [464, 1296] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_skiphead_0 id: blocks_skiphead parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: See sec. 3.9.2 of the standard. maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_items: '2' type: complex vlen: data_carriers states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [632, 452] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_skiphead_1 id: blocks_skiphead parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_items: int(np.floor(len(pulso_srrc)/samp_per_sym/2.0))+int(np.floor(len(pulso_srrc)/samp_per_sym/2.0)) type: complex vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [584, 844] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_stream_to_vector_0 id: blocks_stream_to_vector parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_items: '188' type: byte vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [56, 388] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_stream_to_vector_1 id: blocks_stream_to_vector parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_items: data_carriers type: complex vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [400, 844] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_throttle_0_0 id: blocks_throttle parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' ignoretag: 'True' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' samples_per_second: throttle_rate type: complex vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [48, 612] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_vector_source_x_0_0_0 id: blocks_vector_source_x parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' repeat: 'True' tags: '[gr.tag_utils.python_to_tag( [0, pmt.intern("frame_begin"), pmt.from_long(0), "yo"])]' type: complex vector: '[0]*204*data_carriers' vlen: data_carriers states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [368, 732] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_vector_to_stream_0_0_0 id: blocks_vector_to_stream parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_items: '188' type: byte vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [616, 1244] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_vector_to_stream_0_1 id: blocks_vector_to_stream parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_items: 1512*4 type: byte vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1200, 308] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_vector_to_stream_2 id: blocks_vector_to_stream parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_items: data_carriers type: complex vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [384, 460] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: channels_channel_model_0 id: channels_channel_model parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' block_tags: 'False' comment: '' epsilon: epsilon freq_offset: freq_error maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' noise_voltage: noise seed: '0' taps: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [808, 580] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: channels_distortion_3_gen_0 id: channels_distortion_3_gen parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' beta: -0.11/10**(iip3/10.0) comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [544, 612] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: channels_phase_noise_gen_0 id: channels_phase_noise_gen parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' alpha: '0.01' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' noise_mag: phase_noise states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [280, 604] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: dtv_dvbt_inner_coder_0_0 id: dtv_dvbt_inner_coder parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' code_rate: C2_3 comment: '' constellation: qpsk hierarchy: alpha4 maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' ninput: '1' noutput: 1512*4 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [976, 284] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: dtv_dvbt_reed_solomon_enc_0 id: dtv_dvbt_reed_solomon_enc parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' blocks: '1' comment: '' gfpoly: '0x11d' k: '239' m: '8' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' n: '255' p: '2' s: '51' t: '8' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [256, 268] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: fir_filter_xxx_0 id: fir_filter_xxx parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' decim: '1' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' samp_delay: '0' taps: pulso_srrc type: ccc states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1280, 836] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: import_0 id: import parameters: alias: '' comment: '' imports: import numpy as np states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1224, 12] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: import_0_0 id: import parameters: alias: '' comment: '' imports: import pmt states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1256, 132] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: isdbt_bit_deinterleaver_0_0 id: isdbt_bit_deinterleaver parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' constellation_size: '4' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' segments: segments_a states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [880, 1060] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: isdbt_byte_deinterleaver_0_0 id: isdbt_byte_deinterleaver parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1240, 1232] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: isdbt_byte_interleaver_0 id: isdbt_byte_interleaver parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' constellation_size: '4' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' nsegments: segments_a rate: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [720, 284] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: isdbt_carrier_modulation_0 id: isdbt_carrier_modulation parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' constellation_size: '4' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' segments: segments_a states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1376, 292] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: isdbt_energy_descrambler_0_0 id: isdbt_energy_descrambler parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1024, 1232] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: isdbt_energy_dispersal_0 id: isdbt_energy_dispersal parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' constellation_size: '4' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' nsegments: segments_a rate: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [464, 284] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: isdbt_frequency_deinterleaver_0 id: isdbt_frequency_deinterleaver parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' oneseg: 'False' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [80, 972] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: isdbt_frequency_interleaver_0 id: isdbt_frequency_interleaver parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' oneseg: 'False' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [816, 452] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: isdbt_hierarchical_combinator_0 id: isdbt_hierarchical_combinator parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' segments_A: segments_a segments_B: segments_b segments_C: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1344, 432] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: isdbt_reed_solomon_dec_isdbt_0_0 id: isdbt_reed_solomon_dec_isdbt parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [792, 1216] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: isdbt_symbol_demapper_0 id: isdbt_symbol_demapper parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' constellation_size_A: '4' constellation_size_B: '64' constellation_size_C: '64' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' segments_A: segments_a segments_B: segments_b segments_C: segments_c states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [584, 1060] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: isdbt_time_deinterleaver_0 id: isdbt_time_deinterleaver parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' length_A: length_a length_B: length_b length_C: length_c maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' segments_A: segments_a segments_B: segments_b segments_C: segments_c states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [336, 932] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: isdbt_time_interleaver_0 id: isdbt_time_interleaver parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' length_A: length_a length_B: length_b length_C: length_c maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: '3' segments_A: segments_a segments_B: segments_b segments_C: segments_c states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1064, 412] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: isdbt_viterbi_decoder_0_0 id: isdbt_viterbi_decoder parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' constellation_size: '4' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' rate: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1152, 1064] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: pfb_interpolator_ccf_0 id: pfb_interpolator_ccf parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' atten: '100' comment: '' interp: samp_per_sym maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' samp_delay: '0' taps: pulso_srrc states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [104, 452] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: qtgui_const_sink_x_0 id: qtgui_const_sink_x parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' alpha1: '1.0' alpha10: '1.0' alpha2: '1.0' alpha3: '1.0' alpha4: '1.0' alpha5: '1.0' alpha6: '1.0' alpha7: '1.0' alpha8: '1.0' alpha9: '1.0' autoscale: 'False' axislabels: 'True' color1: '"blue"' color10: '"red"' color2: '"red"' color3: '"red"' color4: '"red"' color5: '"red"' color6: '"red"' color7: '"red"' color8: '"red"' color9: '"red"' comment: '' grid: 'False' gui_hint: tab@2 label1: '' label10: '' label2: '' label3: '' label4: '' label5: '' label6: '' label7: '' label8: '' label9: '' legend: 'True' marker1: '0' marker10: '0' marker2: '0' marker3: '0' marker4: '0' marker5: '0' marker6: '0' marker7: '0' marker8: '0' marker9: '0' name: '""' nconnections: '1' size: '1024' style1: '0' style10: '0' style2: '0' style3: '0' style4: '0' style5: '0' style6: '0' style7: '0' style8: '0' style9: '0' tr_chan: '0' tr_level: '0.0' tr_mode: qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE tr_slope: qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS tr_tag: '""' type: complex update_time: '0.10' width1: '1' width10: '1' width2: '1' width3: '1' width4: '1' width5: '1' width6: '1' width7: '1' width8: '1' width9: '1' xmax: '2' xmin: '-2' ymax: '2' ymin: '-2' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1032, 932] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: qtgui_const_sink_x_1 id: qtgui_const_sink_x parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' alpha1: '1.0' alpha10: '1.0' alpha2: '1.0' alpha3: '1.0' alpha4: '1.0' alpha5: '1.0' alpha6: '1.0' alpha7: '1.0' alpha8: '1.0' alpha9: '1.0' autoscale: 'False' axislabels: 'True' color1: '"blue"' color10: '"red"' color2: '"red"' color3: '"red"' color4: '"red"' color5: '"red"' color6: '"red"' color7: '"red"' color8: '"red"' color9: '"red"' comment: '' grid: 'False' gui_hint: tab@0 label1: '' label10: '' label2: '' label3: '' label4: '' label5: '' label6: '' label7: '' label8: '' label9: '' legend: 'True' marker1: '-1' marker10: '0' marker2: '0' marker3: '0' marker4: '0' marker5: '0' marker6: '0' marker7: '0' marker8: '0' marker9: '0' name: '""' nconnections: '1' size: '200' style1: '1' style10: '0' style2: '0' style3: '0' style4: '0' style5: '0' style6: '0' style7: '0' style8: '0' style9: '0' tr_chan: '0' tr_level: '0.0' tr_mode: qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE tr_slope: qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS tr_tag: '""' type: complex update_time: '0.10' width1: '1' width10: '1' width2: '1' width3: '1' width4: '1' width5: '1' width6: '1' width7: '1' width8: '1' width9: '1' xmax: '2' xmin: '-2' ymax: '2' ymin: '-2' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [152, 736] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: qtgui_freq_sink_x_0 id: qtgui_freq_sink_x parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' alpha1: '1.0' alpha10: '1.0' alpha2: '1.0' alpha3: '1.0' alpha4: '1.0' alpha5: '1.0' alpha6: '1.0' alpha7: '1.0' alpha8: '1.0' alpha9: '1.0' autoscale: 'False' average: '1.0' axislabels: 'True' bw: samp_rate color1: '"blue"' color10: '"dark blue"' color2: '"red"' color3: '"green"' color4: '"black"' color5: '"cyan"' color6: '"magenta"' color7: '"yellow"' color8: '"dark red"' color9: '"dark green"' comment: '' ctrlpanel: 'False' fc: '0' fftsize: '1024' freqhalf: 'True' grid: 'False' gui_hint: tab@1 label: Relative Gain label1: '' label10: '' label2: '' label3: '' label4: '' label5: '' label6: '' label7: '' label8: '' label9: '' legend: 'True' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' name: '""' nconnections: '1' norm_window: 'False' showports: 'True' tr_chan: '0' tr_level: '0.0' tr_mode: qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE tr_tag: '""' type: complex units: dB update_time: '0.10' width1: '1' width10: '1' width2: '1' width3: '1' width4: '1' width5: '1' width6: '1' width7: '1' width8: '1' width9: '1' wintype: window.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS ymax: '10' ymin: '-140' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [880, 708] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: qtgui_number_sink_0 id: qtgui_number_sink parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' autoscale: 'False' avg: '0' color1: ("black", "black") color10: ("black", "black") color2: ("black", "black") color3: ("black", "black") color4: ("black", "black") color5: ("black", "black") color6: ("black", "black") color7: ("black", "black") color8: ("black", "black") color9: ("black", "black") comment: '' factor1: '1' factor10: '1' factor2: '1' factor3: '1' factor4: '1' factor5: '1' factor6: '1' factor7: '1' factor8: '1' factor9: '1' graph_type: qtgui.NUM_GRAPH_HORIZ gui_hint: 7,0,1,1 label1: '' label10: '' label2: '' label3: '' label4: '' label5: '' label6: '' label7: '' label8: '' label9: '' max: '1' min: '-1' name: '"Reed-Solomon BER"' nconnections: '1' type: float unit1: '' unit10: '' unit2: '' unit3: '' unit4: '' unit5: '' unit6: '' unit7: '' unit8: '' unit9: '' update_time: '0.10' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1008, 1300] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: qtgui_number_sink_0_0 id: qtgui_number_sink parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' autoscale: 'False' avg: '0' color1: ("black", "black") color10: ("black", "black") color2: ("black", "black") color3: ("black", "black") color4: ("black", "black") color5: ("black", "black") color6: ("black", "black") color7: ("black", "black") color8: ("black", "black") color9: ("black", "black") comment: '' factor1: '1' factor10: '1' factor2: '1' factor3: '1' factor4: '1' factor5: '1' factor6: '1' factor7: '1' factor8: '1' factor9: '1' graph_type: qtgui.NUM_GRAPH_HORIZ gui_hint: 6,0,1,1 label1: '' label10: '' label2: '' label3: '' label4: '' label5: '' label6: '' label7: '' label8: '' label9: '' max: '1' min: '-1' name: '"Viterbi BER"' nconnections: '1' type: float unit1: '' unit10: '' unit2: '' unit3: '' unit4: '' unit5: '' unit6: '' unit7: '' unit8: '' unit9: '' update_time: '0.10' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1320, 940] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: tab id: qtgui_tab_widget parameters: alias: '' comment: '' gui_hint: 0,1,8,4 label0: Diagrama IQ label1: Espectro en recepcion label10: Tab 10 label11: Tab 11 label12: Tab 12 label13: Tab 13 label14: Tab 14 label15: Tab 15 label16: Tab 16 label17: Tab 17 label18: Tab 18 label19: Tab 19 label2: Constelacion en recepcion label3: Tab 3 label4: Tab 4 label5: Tab 5 label6: Tab 6 label7: Tab 7 label8: Tab 8 label9: Tab 9 num_tabs: '3' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1296, 188] rotation: 0 state: enabled connections: - [blocks_add_xx_0_0_0, '0', isdbt_frequency_deinterleaver_0, '0'] - [blocks_delay_0_0_0, '0', blocks_keep_one_in_n_0, '0'] - [blocks_delay_0_0_0_0, '0', fir_filter_xxx_0, '0'] - [blocks_file_source_0, '0', blocks_stream_to_vector_0, '0'] - [blocks_keep_one_in_n_0, '0', blocks_skiphead_1, '0'] - [blocks_keep_one_in_n_0, '0', qtgui_const_sink_x_0, '0'] - [blocks_nlog10_ff_0, '0', qtgui_number_sink_0, '0'] - [blocks_nlog10_ff_0_0, '0', qtgui_number_sink_0_0, '0'] - [blocks_skiphead_0, '0', blocks_vector_to_stream_2, '0'] - [blocks_skiphead_1, '0', blocks_stream_to_vector_1, '0'] - [blocks_stream_to_vector_0, '0', dtv_dvbt_reed_solomon_enc_0, '0'] - [blocks_stream_to_vector_1, '0', blocks_add_xx_0_0_0, '1'] - [blocks_throttle_0_0, '0', channels_phase_noise_gen_0, '0'] - [blocks_throttle_0_0, '0', qtgui_const_sink_x_1, '0'] - [blocks_vector_source_x_0_0_0, '0', blocks_add_xx_0_0_0, '0'] - [blocks_vector_to_stream_0_0_0, '0', blocks_file_sink_0_0, '0'] - [blocks_vector_to_stream_0_0_0, '0', blocks_null_sink_0_0_0, '0'] - [blocks_vector_to_stream_0_1, '0', isdbt_carrier_modulation_0, '0'] - [blocks_vector_to_stream_2, '0', pfb_interpolator_ccf_0, '0'] - [channels_channel_model_0, '0', blocks_delay_0_0_0_0, '0'] - [channels_channel_model_0, '0', qtgui_freq_sink_x_0, '0'] - [channels_distortion_3_gen_0, '0', channels_channel_model_0, '0'] - [channels_phase_noise_gen_0, '0', channels_distortion_3_gen_0, '0'] - [dtv_dvbt_inner_coder_0_0, '0', blocks_vector_to_stream_0_1, '0'] - [dtv_dvbt_reed_solomon_enc_0, '0', isdbt_energy_dispersal_0, '0'] - [fir_filter_xxx_0, '0', blocks_delay_0_0_0, '0'] - [isdbt_bit_deinterleaver_0_0, '0', isdbt_viterbi_decoder_0_0, '0'] - [isdbt_byte_deinterleaver_0_0, '0', isdbt_energy_descrambler_0_0, '0'] - [isdbt_byte_interleaver_0, '0', dtv_dvbt_inner_coder_0_0, '0'] - [isdbt_carrier_modulation_0, '0', isdbt_hierarchical_combinator_0, '0'] - [isdbt_energy_descrambler_0_0, '0', isdbt_reed_solomon_dec_isdbt_0_0, '0'] - [isdbt_energy_dispersal_0, '0', isdbt_byte_interleaver_0, '0'] - [isdbt_frequency_deinterleaver_0, '0', isdbt_time_deinterleaver_0, '0'] - [isdbt_frequency_interleaver_0, '0', blocks_skiphead_0, '0'] - [isdbt_hierarchical_combinator_0, '0', isdbt_time_interleaver_0, '0'] - [isdbt_reed_solomon_dec_isdbt_0_0, '0', blocks_vector_to_stream_0_0_0, '0'] - [isdbt_reed_solomon_dec_isdbt_0_0, '1', blocks_nlog10_ff_0, '0'] - [isdbt_symbol_demapper_0, '0', isdbt_bit_deinterleaver_0_0, '0'] - [isdbt_time_deinterleaver_0, '0', isdbt_symbol_demapper_0, '0'] - [isdbt_time_interleaver_0, '0', isdbt_frequency_interleaver_0, '0'] - [isdbt_viterbi_decoder_0_0, '0', isdbt_byte_deinterleaver_0_0, '0'] - [isdbt_viterbi_decoder_0_0, '1', blocks_nlog10_ff_0_0, '0'] - [pfb_interpolator_ccf_0, '0', blocks_throttle_0_0, '0'] metadata: file_format: 1 grc_version: