Modelos Estadísticos para la Regresión y la Clasificación
Diagrama de temas
Pueden utilizar como referencia para el curso cualquiera de los siguientes libros:
- Wolf, Machine Learning Simplified: A Gentle Introduction to Supervised Learning
- Rogers & Girolami, A first course in machine learning.
- Murphy, Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective.
- James, Witten, Hastie, Tibshirani & Taylor, An introduction to statistical learning with applications in Python.
- Daniel Peña, Análisis de Datos Multivariantes
- Lindholm, Wahlström, Lindsten, & Schön Machine Learning - A First Course for Engineers and Scientists.
Watt, Borhani & Katsaggelos, Machine Learning Refined: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications.
- Kulkarni et al., An elementary introduction to statistical learning theory.
- Shalev-Shwartz et al. Understanding machine learning: from theory to algorithms.